Press release: Back with a bang for the 2023 edition!

Press release
Photo ©Nicolas Rodet
The latest edition, held at Eurexpo Lyon on 21st–23rd March, was a resounding success. There was a palpable buzz in the air for the exhibition's long-delayed return to business, showing just how much participants have taken this invaluable gathering to heart and how committed they are to the energy transition!
The many highlights, the high quality programme, and the diversity of solutions on show combined to attract 26,775 professional visitors over the 3 days.
Every participant had the chance to discuss and learn about the big topics that are making the headlines in the energy and building sectors: jobs and training, digitalized smart energy control, and sustainable construction.
BePOSITIVE’s 2023 edition was therefore a success and sets the scene for a big professional turnout at the next sector gatherings: the new Open Energies event in 2024 and BePOSITIVE 2025.
The 2023 edition in figures
- 500 exhibitors and brands
- 26,775 professionals
- Over 110 conferences and interactive workshops
- Over 220 speakers
- 11 training institutions present at the Jobs & Training Campus
- 7,518 BePOSITIVE Connect mobile and web app users
> 137 business appointments made through the app
> 23,131 contacts made through the app
The first BePOSITIVE Campus meets with success
The energy transition is giving rise to new markets and new activities, and in their wake, the major issue of recruitment and skill upgrades.
To address these issues central to corporate strategies, the BePOSITIVE Campus featured two distinct areas:
- First, the “Jobs Wall” in partnership with webzines Actu-Environment and Emploi-Environment, bringing job-seeking professionals and hiring companies together—most notably at the Jobs Express tables—to talk about requirements and opportunities. 70 job vacancies were posted on the wall.
- Second, the training area hosted 11 training centres or institutions offering starter or improver courses.
Two new stand clusters showcasing eco-transportation and outdoor joinery
Visitors this year were able to discover a new area dedicated to eco-friendly transportation and featuring vehicle test drives. The goal: to demonstrate the sector's ability to adapt to the moving goalposts of legislation and regulations.The AURA region of the French building federation is a partner in this area through its "BTP Initiative AuRA" subsidiary. It hosted a talk on adapting the building profession's car fleet to meet these changing regulations.
The second stand cluster— outdoor joinery—backed by sustainable development activists like Groupement Actibaie, Internorm, Iso-Chemie, Lakal, Rehau & Roma, attracted visitors interested in innovative, eco-designed solutions based on sustainable materials.
Innovation showcased and rewarded by the BePOSITIVE Awards
With 44 competing companies and 57 innovations, BePOSITIVE stands proud as the shop window for innovation in the energy and building sectors.
The members of four separate judging panels rewarded a total of nine innovations.
> Winner: MECOSUN with the Mecopark no-foundation photovoltaic car park shelter
> Special mentions:
- SolarEdge Technologies with the S1200 power optimizer and its Solaredge Sense Connect technology
- Mylightsystems with MySmart PPA
> Winner: MCZ with its “Core” technology
> Special mention: JOLLY-MEC CAMINETTI S.P.A. with the Matisse pellet stove
> Winner: Ubbink France with its Rolux Multiflex ductwork solution
> Special mention: NIBE Group with the NIBE S735 heat pump
> Winner: CCB Greentech with TimberRoc timber concrete
> Special mention: ULTRAÇADE® Industries \/ C2F - FIMAVI Group with its Power wall
Open Energies pursues its course to arrival in 2024
The “Open Energy Workshops” were dedicated to solutions for photovoltaic generation, self-produced energy consumption, and smart energy management. Many speakers took to the floor over the three days, with demonstrations, feedback from the field, and accounts from stakeholders fully committed to smart energy systems.
This feature heralds the first edition of Open Energies, the event dedicated to energy digitalization, scheduled for 23rd & 24th January, 2024 at Eurexpo Lyon.
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Official launch of Greater Lyon's “Club Solaire Métropolitain”
Métropole de Lyon—the Greater Lyon metropolitan area—chose BePOSITIVE for its announcement of the new "Club Solaire metropolitain", created in association with AuRA Digital Solaire and Enedis.
This Club is one element in an ambitious, district-wide solar energy development project. Furthermore, it sets out to provide local stakeholders with the operational tools and networking facilities they need for boosting their development of solar projects.
GL events Exhibitions Opérations
With 200 events organized worldwide for professionals and the general public, GL events Exhibitions Opérations has unequalled expertise in organizing exhibitions and trade shows—a business that must stay abreast of increasingly specialized marketing, communication and organizational techniques while retaining close ties with market players. The BePOSITIVE exhibition is organized by the GreenTech+ division of GL events, which also manages eight other major gatherings: Eurobois, Expobiogaz, HyVolution, Horizonia, Open Energies, Paysalia, Piscine Global Europe, Rocalia.
GreenTech+ is the newest division of the GL events group, providing a unique shop window born from the synergy of gatherings that touch on common themes of ecological innovation and sustainable development.
GL events created GreenTech+ to play a full-time, active part in the world’s big environmental issues, with a format unique in its genre that builds bridges between the sectors of the future and maximizes their visibility. GreenTech+ is a business accelerator committed to accompanying the sector’s stakeholders in their developments and in their search for the solutions of tomorrow, while instilling an ever-greater eco-awareness among our citizens.